Anime reviews

Tokyo Ghoul Root A review – Let’s be honest, it blows

What is it with Japanese creators coming up with these weird titles. “Root A”? There’s practically nothing in the series that even warrants such a title. Why not call it “Tokyo Ghoul 2” instead? Continue reading “Tokyo Ghoul Root A review – Let’s be honest, it blows”

Film reviews

Christopher Robin review – This ain’t Winnie the Pooh anymore


We’ve sinned, and this has been the result. I swear, this is truly the antichrist, and he has come to kickstart judgement day. We haven’t repented enough! We’re screwed! Oh, tis a dark time we live in. But alas, it is to be expected. Honestly, it’s so dark that my wrists have appeared to have slit itself. Anyways, before I pass out from extreme blood loss (seriously its flowing from my arm like a waterfall), I must preach to you all about a sinister force within our wake. Continue reading “Christopher Robin review – This ain’t Winnie the Pooh anymore”